
Friday, May 7, 2010

Differences between traditional web pages and blogs

Having some experience with twitter, facebook, and webpages, I've never had an interest in having a blog. One reason is I usually don't have much to post on the above social apps, why add another one right?

However with blogs there is a huge difference between traditional web pages and blogs is the content updates.  Web pages usually have static information that doesn't change all that much frequently however a blog (to truly have an operating one) would need continuous input.  The content on the blog is very dynamic and changing which helps pull other readers back to your blog.  The ability to have multiple commenters is a very wonderful thing to one get others perspective and allow for feedback which doesn't happen on web pages.

Having my first blog posting completed, I'm excited about creating others.


  1. Hi Joe,

    Nicely done! You sure don't appear new to blogging. I agree with you that to truly have an operating blog it needs to be continuously updated.

    Julie :)

  2. Hi Joe,

    I've never created a blog...haven't done anything with twitter or facebook, either. The biggest hindrance for me is Time -- not enough to keep up with it all. I'm sure this will be a great learning experience for me.



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